Il giardino si estende per 6000 mq, lo scenario รจ ricco e variegato: i tratti tipici della macchia mediterranea accostata ai caratteristici muretti a secco, il gioco di colori delle innumerevoli specie di piante ornamentali, i profumi e i sapori del generoso frutteto.The garden extends for 6000 square meters, the scenery is rich and varied: the typical features of the Mediterranean maquis combined with the characteristic dry stone walls, the play of colours of the countless species of ornamental plants, the fragrances and flavours of the generous orchard.

Our solarium? An expanse of fresh grass framed only by nature. A small and colourful playground surrounded by greenery is a refuge for our little guests. A shaded area shelters two comfortable hammocks, where you can enjoy fresh air even in the hottest hours of the torrid summer days. The suggestive pond offers hospitality to our little friendly fish and is constantly flown over by coloured dragonflies, everything crowned by the gentle noise of the water flowing from the little waterfall.